Pokémon Uranium Wiki
Shadow Claw
Type  Ghost
Category  Physical
Power  70
Accuracy  100%
PP  15 (max. 24)
Priority  {{{priority}}}
The user slashes with sharp claws made of shadows. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
Foe Foe
Self Ally
May affect anyone but the user

*Higher critical hit ratio

Shadow Claw is an offensive Ghost-type move. It is TM65, located in The Labyrinth.

Shadow Claw deals damage and has an increased critical hit ratio.

Pokémon that learn Shadow Claw

By leveling up

Dex # Pokémon Type Level
#077 Sableye Sableye Dark Ghost 29
#147 Linkite Linkite Ghost Unknown 24
#148 Chainite Chainite Ghost Dark 24
#160 Swabone Swabone Ghost Fighting 41
#161 Skelerogue Skelerogue Ghost Fighting 41
#162 Navighast Navighast Ghost Fighting 41


Dex # Pokémon Type
#001 Orchynx Orchynx
Grass Steel
#002 Metalynx Metalynx
Grass Steel
#029 Feleng Feleng
Normal Normal
#030 Felunge Felunge
Normal Normal
#031 Feliger Feliger
Normal Normal
#046 Tancoon Tancoon
Dark Normal
#047 Tanscure Tanscure
Dark Normal
#053 Jerbolta Jerbolta
Electric Ground
#061 Baaschaf Baaschaf
Dark Fighting
#062 Baariette Baariette
Dark Fighting
#067 Lunapup Lunapup
Ground Fighting
#068 Herolune Herolune
Ground Fighting
#069 Minyan Minyan
Dark Poison
#070 Vilucard Vilucard
Dark Poison
#073 Modrille Modrille
Ground Dark
#074 Drilgann Drilgann
Ground Dark
#077 Sableye Sableye
Dark Ghost
#078 Cocaran Cocaran
Grass Ground
#079 Cararalm Cararalm
Grass Ground
#080 Cocancer Cocancer
Grass Ground
#094 Barand Barand
Dragon Dragon
#095 Glaslug Glaslug
Water Ice
#096 Glavinug Glavinug
Water Ice
#097 S51 S51
Psychic Steel
#098 S51-A S51-A
Psychic Steel
#099 Paraudio Paraudio
Normal Psychic
#100 Paraboom Paraboom
Normal Psychic
#101 Flager Flager
Fire Fire
#102 Inflagetah Inflagetah
Fire Fire
#103 Chimical Chimical
Fire Poison
#104 Chimaconda Chimaconda
Fire Poison
#107 Unymph Unymph
Bug Bug
#108 Harptera Harptera
Bug Flying
#110 Quetzoral Quetzoral
Grass Flying
#111 Coatlith Coatlith
Grass Dragon
#112 Tracton Tracton
Dragon Steel
#114 Dermafrost Dermafrost
Ice Rock
#115 Slothohm Slothohm
Electric Rock
#116 Theriamp Theriamp
Electric Rock
#118 Frynai Frynai
Water Steel
#119 Saidine Saidine
Water Steel
#120 Daikatuna Daikatuna
Water Steel
#139 Ratsy Ratsy
Dark Dark
#140 Raffiti Raffiti
Dark Dark
#141 Gargryph Gargryph
Rock Rock
#142 Masking Masking
Psychic Psychic
#143 Dramsama Dramsama
Psychic Ghost
#144 Antarki Antarki
Ghost Fire
#145 Chupacho Chupacho
Poison Poison
#146 Luchabra Luchabra
Poison Fighting
#147 Linkite Linkite
Ghost Ghost
#148 Chainite Chainite
Ghost Dark
#152 Colarva Colarva
Bug Ice
#153 Frosulo Frosulo
Bug Ice
#154 Frosthra Frosthra
Bug Ice
#160 Swabone Swabone
Ghost Fighting
#161 Skelerogue Skelerogue
Ghost Fighting
#162 Navighast Navighast
Ghost Fighting
#181 Sheebit Sheebit
Ground Ground
#182 Terrabbit Terrabbit
Ground Ground
#183 Laissure Laissure
Ground Ground
#184 Volchik Volchik
Electric Flying
#185 Voltasu Voltasu
Electric Flying
#186 Yatagaryu Yatagaryu
Electric Dragon
#187 Devimp Devimp
Fire Dark
#188 Fallengel Fallengel
Fire Dark
#189 Beliaddon Beliaddon
Fire Dark
#191 Garlikid Garlikid
Grass Fighting
#197 Urayne Urayne
Nuclear Nuclear

TMs and HMs